May 10 to June 15, 2014
Opening Reception ~ Saturday, May 10th 6-9pm
"The original portrait idea was dramatically reshaped. I hope nighttime evokes an awkward drift backward into memories and simultaneously moves to thoughts of spring.
The intrigue of exploring a different space within a wacky mix of written documents and photographs is where I started with this puzzle. In the end nighttime became a rumination on moving forward and a tribute to my mother, Katherine Wright O'Cain Hunt."
-- Anna O'Cain
About the Artist:
Anna O'Cain is a San Diego based artist who was born in Pascagoula, Mississippi where she returns home yearly to visit family, explore the state, catch up on stories, and enjoy the native cooking of the Gulf Coast. She is a full time studio art instructor at MiraCosta College. She studied art for two years at Oklahoma University, moved to Chicago to complete her studies and receive a BFA from the Art Institute of Chicago. In 1980 she moved to southern California where she studied and received an MFA from the University of California San Diego. No one could have ever convinced her that she would find California to be her home for so many years. She has received grants from the California Arts Council and Art Matters in New York City and residencies from the Ucross Foundation in Wyoming and the Djerassi Foundation near Palo Alto, California.
Anna finds events, materials, and the speech of everyday life to be the most important source and inspiration in her own artwork. As a studio artist she creates art works that call on questions of epistemology (how we know, how we learn, what we remember and what we forget). She plays with rules of order and organization; record keeping; and fragments of memory.
Over the past five years she and artist Richard Keely have built installations and produced a sound work and video directly linked to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.