Get Out the Vote: Empowering the Women’s Vote poster campaign, originated by AIGA and in partnership with the League of Women Voters, commemorates the 19th Amendment, the first legislation for women’s voting rights. Not until the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965 were voting rights of ALL women protected and enforced. Campaign posters will be installed at Gather partner venues including San Diego State University School of Art and Design, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, Bread & Salt, and Art Produce. Poster images will also be viewable online via the San Diego Design Week website
Art Produce, one of the exhibition venues, will exhibit several exhibition posters along its 40’ feet of storefront windows. “This exhibit aligns perfectly with our mission to build community, support public culture and promote civic discourse, said Lynn Susholtz, executive director. “We are happy to join voices with Gather partners and other citizen artists in assuming responsibility to participate in the civic and cultural life of the community.”