Curated by Trish Stone
Showcasing work by local artists along the theme of public/private culture.
Cauleen Smith "Space is the Place"
Scott Jones "Variable Decay"
Dee Hibbert-Jones and Nomi Talisman "I-140"
Community Announcement from the Friends of Ray
Glenna Jennings "Lost Sock Initiative"
Katherine Sweetman "Reality TV"
Lee Montgomery "Terminator"
Michael Trigilio & Katie Faulkner "Each is a Dream"
Ash Smith "Callous"
Deanna Erdmann "COSMOS"
Jimena Sarno "Do Not Listen To This Message"
Farrah Emami "Untitled"
Isabelle Lutterodt "Light Burn"
DJ Übergeek "CyberspaceLand"
Amy Alexander and Annina Rüst "Discotrope Preview"